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Pure food for mind, body and soul




Brand strategy Logo design Brand development Packaging design Photography 3D-rendering


Superfoodies is a testament to the power of nature's bounty. Their mission? To nourish mind, body, and soul with the purest superfoods, harvested from the finest locales on Earth. The company's core values - Health, Harmony, Transformation, and Coaching - resonate in every package of their food, health, and supplement offerings. Superfoodies’ challenge didn’t lay in their product or story, but in how to communicate it properly. How could a brand, seemingly misaligned with its own message, relay its purpose-driven approach effectively to its target audience?


To align the brand with its noble mission, Smaac knew that a fresh and strong brand strategy was key. This would not only provide a solid foundation but also ensure that every aspect of the brand identity was infused with the core values of Superfoodies. Aided by this strategy, a new logo and brand identity were crafted, effectively embodying the essence of Superfoodies: pure, wholesome, transformative. But the transformation didn't stop at the brand level. It extended to the very products Superfoodies offered.

What sets it apart

Smaac's creative journey with Superfoodies didn't stop at the logo or brand identity redesign. The new brand identity was utilised to redesign the packaging of a series of Superfoodies products, creating a coherent, visually appealing, and meaningful brand experience. The results? They were not just well-received, they were transformative. The new packaging effectively conveyed the company's core values, truly setting Superfoodies apart in the food, health, and supplement industry.

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"Our brand has experienced a stunning transformation!"

Stefanie van de Walle
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Working with Smaac, our brand underwent a stunning transformation! It was a thrilling experience, but through a fantastic workshop and several meetings, we could build our transformation step by step. Both our logo and our complete appearance align much better with who we are and what we stand for as a brand. Smaac did a tremendous job helping us to make the translation, and finally, all the puzzle pieces fell into place. We've laid a solid foundation to develop future product lines in a completely new style!

Stefanie van de Walle
Stefanie van de Walle
Brand Manager - Super foodies

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