Terms & Conditions

1. Services Provided by Smaac’s Brandhub

1.1 Right of use

Smaac’s Brandhub shall provide the software product named and described in the User Plan ("Software")to the Customer for use via the Internet ("Service"). TheCustomer is not entitled to further rights associated with the Software, such as ownership, copyright, patent, trademark, or usage rights.

The Software shall be operated on computers of a computer center used by Smaac’s Brandhub. For the duration of this Agreement, the Customer is given the non-exclusive and non-transferable right to access the Software by means of a browser and an Internet connection and to use same for its own business purposes exclusively for the exercise of its commercial or independent professional activity. The Customer is responsible for the Internet connection between the Customer and the computercenter and the hardware and software required for this purpose (e.g. PC, network connection, browser).

The right of use is limited to the number of usage units booked by the Customer in accordance with the respective UserPlan. Any sub-licensing or further licensing of the Software is prohibited. TheCustomer has no right to a copy and thus also no right to a backup copy of theSoftware. All rights in the Software or the Service over and above the right of use defined in these GTC remain fully with Smaac’s Brandhub.

1.2 Restrictions

Customer will not, directly or indirectly: reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to discover the source code, object code or underlying structure, ideas, know-how or algorithms relevant to the Services or any software, documentation or data related to the Services; modify, translate, or create derivative works based on the Services or any Software (except to the extent expressly permitted by Smaac’s Brandhub or authorized within the Services); or remove any proprietary notices or labels.

1.3 Operation

Smaac’s Brandhub shall take appropriate measures to make it possible for the Customer to use theService as interruption-free as possible. Smaac’s Brandhub cannot guarantee availability of the Service at all times and absence of any other disruptions and interruptions to the functioning.

The Customer shall notify Smaac’s Brandhub of any disruptions to the Service without delay and provide information regarding the details of the circumstances of the issue. Smaac’s Brandhub shall remedy the disruption to the Service within an appropriate period of time. Smaac’s Brandhub is entitled to circumvent the disruption to the Service by means of a workaround solution if the cause of the disruption itself is only to be remedied with inappropriate expense and the usability of the Service is not significantly negatively affected.

1.4 Support

In support of use of the Software as a Service, Smaac’s Brandhub shall provide online support.The support shall not include: general know-how transfer, trainings, configuration implementation or customer-specific documentation or modification of the Software.

Support shall be carried out by email to info@smaac.nl. Smaac’s Brandhub shall provide the support services during working hours from Monday to Thursday between 8.30 am and 5.00 pm UTC+1. Legal holidays are excluded. Inquiries received outside of these support times shall be regarded as received on the following working day.

1.5 Changes to services

Smaac’s Brandhub may modify the Software (Service, including its system requirements) for the purposes of adapting to technical or commercial market changes and for good cause. In particular, such shall be deemed to exist if the modification is required due to

a) a necessary adaptation to a new legal situation or case law; b) changed technical framework conditions (new browser versions of technical standards); c) protection of system security, or;d) further development of the Software (disabling old functions that are largely replaced by new ones).

2. Involvement of Third Parties

Smaac’s Brandhub is entitled to involve third parties for the purpose of meeting its contractual obligations. This shall, in particular, apply to hosting services.

Smaac’s Brandhub shall not accept any liability for the services of third parties involved to the extent legally permissible.

3. Customer Data,Data Protection and References

3.1 Customer data (Intellectual Property Rights)

TheCustomer is exclusively entitled to the data input, generated thereby andallocatable to the Customer and the end users of Customer in the context of theuse of the Software ("Customer Data").

Customershall own all right, title and interest in and to the Customer Data, as well asany data that is based on or derived from the Customer Data and provided toCustomer as part of the Services.

Smaac’sBrandhub shall own and retain all right, title and interest in and to (a) theServices and Software, all improvements, enhancements or modifications thereto,(b) any software, applications, inventions or other technology developed inconnection with implementation Services or support, and (c) all intellectualproperty rights related to any of the foregoing.

Theprovisions of this Section shall survive any termination of this Agreement.

3.2 Data protection

TheCustomer is aware that the use and processing of personal data within themeaning of the applicable domestic and/or foreign data protection legislation,in particular and as far as applicable the EU General Data ProtectionRegulation ("EU-GDPR")and the Swiss Data Protection Act (Schweizerisches Datenschutzgesetz ("DSG"))may require the prior consent of the affected persons and/or the registrationof the relevant database with a domestic or foreign authority. Smaac’s Brandhubis, as far as applicable, fully compliant with the regulations of the EU-GDPR and the DSG.

IfSmaac’s Brandhub acts as the data processor, Smaac’s Brandhub shall process thecustomer data solely on behalf of and/or according to the instructions of theCustomer. The processed data is used to provide the Software and is handled inaccordance with Smaac’s Brandhub‘s Privacy Policy. The Customer remains responsible for thelawfulness of the collection, processing and use of the Customer data inaccordance with the applicable legal regulations, in particular pursuant toEU-GDPR and DSG. Therefore, Smaac’s Brandhub provides the Customer with theopportunity to sign a Data Processing Addendum ("DPA"), which thenforms an integral part of the contractual relationship between Smaac’s Brandhuband the Customer.

3.3 References

Inthe context of its marketing activities and in the preparation of its offersfor projects of other customers, Smaac’s Brandhub is entitled to refer to theprojects realized by it for the Customer and to document same, subject to thejustified confidentiality interests and consent of the Customer.

Inparticular, Smaac’s Brandhub is entitled, subject to the consent of Customer,to publish the orders placed with same in the context of marketing activities,in particular refer to the business relationship on Smaac’s Brandhub’s websitewith the name and corporate logo of the Customer.

4 Release

TheCustomer shall release Smaac’s Brandhub and involved third parties of allthird-party claims that may arise from (a) unlawful use of the Software by theCustomer and/or, with the consent of the Customer, by third parties, (b) disputesarising from data protection laws, copyright laws or other legal disputesassociated with the use of the Software by the Customer.

Customerhereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Smaac’s Brandhub against anydamages, losses, liabilities, settlements and expenses (including withoutlimitation costs and attorneys’ fees) in connection with any claim or actionthat arises from an alleged violation of the foregoing or otherwise fromCustomer’s use of Services.

Inthe assertion of relevant claims, the Customer is obligated to notify Smaac’sBrandhub thereof in writing without delay. In this case, Smaac’s Brandhub isentitled to block the Service for the Customer without delay and withoutproviding a grace period. Any compensation claim asserted by the Customer basedon the blocking of the Service is excluded.

5 Liability

Smaac’sBrandhub shall not accept any liability whatsoever to the extent legallypermissible, in particular for


  • arising from the     Customer’s violation of the contractual obligations;
  • caused by Smaac’s     Brandhub’s involved third parties or support persons;
  • due to viruses;
  • as a result of     malicious code;
  • subsequent to a     hacker attack;
  • subsequent to a     software error;
  • subsequent to an     error in the operating system, disruptions to operations as a result of     fault remedy, maintenance, infrastructure modifications, introduction of     new technologies.
  • subsequent to a     faulty service pack from another manufacturer;
  • as a result of     data losses.

b)indirect or subsequent damages such as profits foregone, savings not realizedor third-party claims.

6 No Warranties

Exceptas represented in this agreement, the Software and the Service of Smaac’sBrandhub is provided “as is”. Other than as provided in this agreement, Smaac’sBrandhub makes no other warranties, express or implied, and hereby disclaimsall implied warranties, including any warranty of merchantability and warrantyof fitness for a particular purpose.

7 Term and Termination

7.1 Term

TheUser Plan is concluded for a particular term (monthly or yearly) depending onthe Customer’s order ("BasicPeriod") and shall thereafter extend automatically by thesame period ("ExtensionPeriod") if the contractual relationship is not ordinarilyor extraordinarily terminated pursuant to Section 9.2 below by one of thecontractual parties.

Theprovisions of Section 9.2 shall apply as aforesaid with respect to a reductionin usage units during the term.

7.2 Termination

a)Ordinary termination The contractual relationship may be terminated by any ofthe contractual parties at the end of the Basic Period or an Extension Period.

b)Extraordinary termination Smaac’s Brandhub may extraordinarily terminate thecontractual relationship for good cause at any time and with immediate effect.Good cause entitling Smaac’s Brandhub to extraordinary termination shallinclude, in particular:

  • if the Customer     violates its contractual obligations insofar as this defect was not or     cannot be remedied by the Customer within 10 days despite prior written     warning by Smaac’s Brandhub
  • if the Customer     defaults on the payment of fees;
  • if insolvency     proceedings are instituted against the Customer.

7.3 Customer’s data after termination

Atthe end of the contractual relationship and upon written request by theCustomer, Smaac’s Brandhub shall provide a copy of the Customer’s data saved onits servers as of the date of the end of the contractual relationship on acustomary data carrier or by electronic transfer and in a customary format.

Atthe end of the 60 days from the end of the contractual relationship or uponrequest by the Customer already prior to this period, Smaac’s Brandhub shalldelete the data of the Customer saved on its servers finally and in full. Thisaction shall be subject to mandatory legal retention obligations.

Smaac’sBrandhub is not obligated to surrender its data to the Customer in deviation tothese provisions (in particular relating to time, format or migration). Anydeviating surrender of the Customer’s data shall require the prior writtenconsent of Smaac’s Brandhub as well as separate remuneration by the Customer.

8 Confidentiality

Thecontractual partners obligate themselves and their employees and involvedsupport persons reciprocally to maintain the confidentiality of all documentsand information not generally known that relate to the business sphere of theother contractual party and, which become accessible in the preparations forand execution of this contractual relationship.

Theconfidentiality obligation shall continue to endure even after termination ofthe contractual relationship to the extent there is justified interest therein.

9 FinalProvisions

9.1 Amendments to these GTC

Smaac’sBrandhub shall notify the Customer of any amendments to these GTC. Anyamendments to the GTC shall enter into force for the contractual relationshipbetween Smaac’s Brandhub and the Customer insofar as the Customer does notobject to the amended GTC within a period of 10 days in writing.

9.2 Offsetting and assignment of claims

Theoffsetting of any claims of Smaac’s Brandhub against counterclaims of theCustomer shall require the prior written consent of Smaac’s Brandhub.

TheCustomer is not entitled to assign any claims from the contractual relationshipwith Smaac’s Brandhub to third parties, in whole or in part, including not toany Group or subsidiary companies.

9.3 Place of performance

Theplace of performance shall be the registered offices of Smaac’s Brandhub.

9.4 Severability clause

Shouldindividual provisions of these GTC be invalid or incomplete or shouldperformance be impossible, this shall not negatively affect the validity of theremaining provisions of these GTC. Invalid provisions shall be replaced by anadmissible, valid provision that is as close as possible to the content of theoriginal in terms of its intent.

9.5 Date of contract conclusion

Thecontract is deemed concluded by the receival of a confirmation e-mail aftersubscribing.

10 Applicable Law and Place of Jurisdiction

Thecontractual relationship between Smaac’s Brandhub and the Customer, includingthe User Plan and its Appendices, are subject to Swiss law, under exclusion ofany national or international treaties or agreements legally valid at the timeof entry into force or a dispute (e.g. United Nations Convention on Contractsfor the International Sale of Goods (CISG) or the Hague Convention onPurchases).

Inthe event of any differences of opinion in connection with the contractualrelationship, the contractual parties undertake to attempt to agree to amutually agreed regulation in good faith. If, despite the efforts of thecontractual parties, no agreement can be made by amicable means, the place ofjurisdiction for all disputes, differences of opinion or claims arising from orin connection with the contractual relationship between Smaac’s Brandhub andthe Customer, including the User Plan and its Appendices, including theirvalidity, invalidity, violation or dissolution, shall be St. Gallen,Switzerland. Irrespective thereof, Smaac’s Brandhub is entitled to sue theCustomer at its general place of jurisdiction.
